Pow Wow Media is registered with the Regional Business Partner Network, and we're over the moon to be able to offer support to small-to-medium business owners.

Whether you're facing some challenges and need to work through them, or are ready to start growing to the next level, we're here for you.

The RBP Network matches together businesses and service providers, to ensure that every business gets the best possible help available.

Funding is offered for up to $5,000 project depending, and all service providers have been highly vetted to make sure that this initiative works well.

If you'd like further information on this, hit the button below and we'll book a call.


First, you need to find out if you qualify for funding support. You can contact us through the form below and we'll be able to give you a better idea of whether you're eligible for funding. However, funding support is solely at RBPN advisor discretion, so the next step is to register with an RBPN advisor and do an interview assessment. We can support you with this by explaining the process.



To be eligible a business must be:

  1. Operating with 50 or less full-time employees.
  2. Be GST registered in New Zealand.
  3. Operating in a commercial environment – i.e. is currently trading.
  4. Be privately owned or a Māori Trust or Incorporation under the Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 or similar organisation managing Māori assets under multiple ownership.
  5. Have undergone assessment by a Regional Business Partner.
  6. Demonstrate commitment to improving management capability. Indicators of commitment include the fact they have sought advice, have worked through the assessment process and are willing to co-fund capability building activities and make the required time commitment.
  7. Have an identified gap in its capability that can be addressed through management capability building and training.
  8. Additionally, if you are exporting, have export potential or part of an export supply chain, this can help your application positively!

First things first... You'll need to check whether you’re eligible for this initiative.

As an overview, your business must meet the following requirements:

  • Have fewer than 100 full-time equivalent employees
  • Be GST registered in New Zealand
  • Have a New Zealand Business Number (NZBN)
  • Be operating in a commercial environment
  • Be a privately-owned business or are a Māori Trust
  • Operated within the Auckland Alert Level 3 boundary
  • Be an existing business that is trading prior to 22 October 2021

To apply for funding through Activate Tāmaki Makaurau, it’s a simple process.
All you need to do is follow these steps;

Step 1: Book a Call With Us

Let’s have a chat about what you need help with and which services may benefit your business the best. Simply fill in the form at the bottom of this page.

Step 2: Register for Your Grant

We recommend applying for both grants.

Business Advice Grant: Click Here

Implementation Grant: Click Here

Step 3: Request a Quote

Once you’ve registered, you will be able to select Pow Wow Media as a Service Provider and request a quote from us.

Step 4: Proposal Preparation

After receiving the request, Pow Wow Media will discuss the best course of action as per our previous meeting to meet your wants and needs. We’ll then develop a proposal  for Activate Tāmaki Makaurau.

Step 5: Request Proposal Assessment

Once you’ve had a look over the proposal, request an assessment for approval by an  Activate Tāmaki Makaurau assessor. Then we wait for approval. If the proposal is not immediately approved, you will be given instructions on what further information is required to have it approved.

Step 6: Approval Received

Once approved by Activate Tāmaki Makaurau, both parties will be sent a contract outlining the agreement. Once signed, we can begin to implement the services listed within the proposal.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: To receive this grant, all services must begin within the first month of applying and all services must be completed within three months from the date of the approval. That means you could access a total of 3 months worth of digital marketing services with us, potentially for free. 

*This funding is limited and Activate Tāmaki Makaurau will make decisions based on their own meetings and eligibility criteria.


As an Auckland business, we understand the harsh impacts the ongoing pandemic has had on small businesses. We’re here to help you. Book a Call with us today and let’s get your business activated.

We’ll discuss what you need help with and how our services can benefit you. Whether that’s over a coffee, a zoom or a simple phone call, that's up to you. 

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