Tips For Building Your Email List

Tips For Building Your Email List

So you wanna know how to build your email list? Sweeeeet! Let’s get started.

BUT, before we actually start – do you even know who you’re trying to talk to? Do you know what they want? First and foremost, you have to have your personas sorted. We’ve got a free resource you can use right here if you need a hand:


Alrighty then, let’s get to it. Here’s a few ways you can start building that good old list. 


First, let us make a little recommendation. Map out your email sequences before you start asking anyone for their email address… The last thing you want is to collect a whole bunch of emails from your target audience, and then ignore them for 3 weeks until you get your butt into gear and send them an email. You need *at the very least* your welcome email done. Ok? Promise? Right, we can continue 🙂 


  1. Get yourself an email marketing platform. We aren’t affiliated with any platforms, but if you want some guidance feel free to slide into our DMs!
  2. Add an upgrade to your blog content – if you have a suuuuper long blog post outlining a pretty intense process, why don’t you create a simplified version that looks like an infographic or just a PDF check list? You can get readers to download that version so they have access to it forever – and to download they have to enter their email… simple 🙂 
  3. Run a webinar! If you have content that your audience wants to learn about, why not run a webinar and train them? It’s massive value in exchange for a simple email address. 
  4. Add a signup button to your Facebook Page. If you’re already driving traffic to your Page, make the most of it. 
  5. Provide some subscriber only content – some kind of upgrade, whether that’s a video, a webinar, a free training, and then tell the people that aren’t yet on your email list about the benefits of being on that email list, so they sign up! 
  6. Don’t buy an email list. Seriously – with all the privacy policies in place these days, there’s no point buying a list. You’ll get flagged as spam, and email platforms don’t really like that as it reflects badly on them, and you’ll get shut down. Invest your time and build it from scratch. 
  7. Just ask for their email address! At any opportunity where you’re providing value, ask for an email address in return and just gate some content. 


At the end of the day, growing your email list is not just about the numbers right? It’s about the relationships you’re fostering with the people at the other end of the email. Focus on that, focus on delivering value and you’ll get the hang of it 🙂 Promise!

Post by Erika

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