5 Email Marketing Tips for 2020 That’ll Help Your Email Convert Consumers Into Customers. 

5 Email Marketing Tips for 2020 That’ll Help Your Email Convert Consumers Into Customers.

#Didyouknow 46% of consumers prefer email as a marketing channel. That’s 46% of opportunity that you’re probably not optimising right now. Email marketing is important for building relationships with prospects, leads, current customers and even past customers because it gives you a chance to directly speak to them as if you were on the phone. The audience on your email list are the audience you own. Once you own an audience, it’s a heck of a lot easier to convert them into paying customers. 


So we’ve put together the top 5 email marketing trends that are emerging in 2020, to help you optimise your emails in order to capture, engage and then convert your audience. Therefore we can help make your email marketing performance last longer than 10 seconds. 


  1. Personalisation

    Personalising any kind of content is essential to marketing success. Consumers these days somewhat expect it. Whether it’s as basic as email addressing them by their name or as complex as offering purchase advice based on past purchase decisions, personalisation is what will drive you more conversions.

    A great example of this is Netflix. Now we know Netflix personalised each profile by Name, and organises their shows based on an algorithm you create by watching one show at a time. They have shows to recommend, shows that are trending, shows that relate to the one you watch previously, shows that are the genre. The possibilities are needless, Yet Netflix have taken it one step further to personalise each profile by the little thumbnail that advertises the show on the account.

    Your thumbnail for each show will differ between accounts depending on what you react to best. Say you come across Game of Thrones but you’re more inclined to watch romance genres, the thumbnail will personalise to an image more suited to romance in order to appeal to you. In this case Jon Snow and his girlfriend. If you’re more into action, they’ll have a thumbnail of two men fighting and if you’re into fantasy they’ll have a thumbnail of dragons blowing fire. You get the jist.

    There’s always more to personalise than just their name. Dive deep and ask yourself, what would you want to see in an email that’ll relate to you and give your more value than you’d expect?


  2. AMP

    Let’s make your emails more engaging, more interactive and relevant. A theme is approaching, and that is that relevance is key. AMP email is a technology that allows email marketers to embed the interactive elements like carousels, accordions, confirmation, purchase buttons, etc., into their emails without needing to open a new tab to visit a website.

    AMP gives the ability to transform emails into something you can dynamically interact with. Turn your emails into a place consumers can instantly buy from or instantly save content from. A great example is including Pinterest boards to your email where consumers can save key ideas (from your brand) to their own Pinterest boards. #Headsup This only works with gmail so be conscious about what it will look like to a non-gmail user.


  3. Segmentation

    Dividing your audience into different segments allows you to create relatable content to said segment. By putting your audience into different groups, you can target key interests that’ll deem more relevant than a general message about an upcoming fashion range. #Didyouknow you can expect an ROI 6x more when you segment your audience? More companies are catching on to this and are driving their conversions simply by sending more content that is relevant to each individual rather than a generic post no one will read.

  4. Understanding your Audience

    via GIPHY

    This is absolutely KEY. You want your emails to be useful, and usefulness is all about understanding your audience. Other than being trustworthy, try to provide usefulness through the content that you send. Send post purchase receipts, thanking them for their purchase, showing an overview of what they bought and when they can expect it by. Send post purchase content after this, with information regarding how to use the product or what best fits with the product. UPSELL different items that would work well with your product. You want to understand not only the customer journey but also the product life cycle. How long does the product last? Send the customer a renewal or replenish email when their product should be running out and remind them to top up again.

  5. Welcome emails

    via GIPHY

    This is going back to basics, but it turns out only 57% of brands actually send welcome emails and yet they are the most responsive emails you will send. WHAT?!  Don’t lose the opportunity to set out the relationship that you’re looking for with a customer. Once a customer joins your email list, welcome them, segment them, personalise them and always provide value.  It’s much harder to gain an email subscriber than lose one. Remember that.

Post by Erika

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