FREE Customer Avatar Workbook

17th March 2020

Erika Warne



FREE Customer Avatar Workbook

When it comes to brand awareness, developing customer avatars (also known as a persona) is important because it allows you to create tailored content to your target audience based on their specific wants, needs and pain points. It’s how you can learn the language you need to connect with people and persuade them to buy from you. SIMPLE!

We’ve come across many business owners that haven’t got these set up, nor have they even heard of them. So let’s cut to the chase. Without understanding your target audience you run the risk of losing time, money and effort because your brand and the content you’re running just won’t relate to anyone because it’ll only scratch the surface. Avatars are the KEY to understanding and talking to your audience because if you talk to everyone, you talk to no one. 

We’ve attached our FREE Customer Avatar Workbook that explains everything about avatars and how to create one.

Click the link > 2021 Customer Avatar Workbook


Post by Erika

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